Thursday, March 24, 2011

recitals of school learnt rhymes

Rohith is going to his toddler class.This is thrice a week.He started his schooling at the month of 18.The main reason to send him to school, was-he was alone at home.I wanted him to mingle with others and learn some basic manners.This was fulfilled by this attempt.Now a days,he started to play with others and share with others.He enjoys his school days and started to speak good english.These are some rhymes thought at school.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Developing Motor Skills in Kids using Building blocks

Building blocks are a popular toy, even for very young children. They can entertain children for long periods of time. But, there is a much better reason to get building blocks for your children than just entertainment. Building blocks can, and should be one of the earliest educational toys that you get for your children. Before they are even ready to learn about colors, or letters, building blocks can begin to develop your child's motor skills.

The development of motor skills is a very important stage of any child's growth process. It is the foundation for being able to write, draw, tie shoes, put on their own clothes, and button buttons. Children who play with building blocks are ahead of the game when it comes to these other activities. Let's consider some of the ways that building blocks can help develop a child's fine motor skills.

First, children are naturally attracted to the bright colors of the blocks. They are designed to catch the eye of the young child, and create in them a desire to reach out and grab them. If you watch a child trying, for the first time, to get a hold of something that catches their eye, it can be somewhat humorous. It is as if they have no control over their little fingers.

In fact, they have to learn this skill. Being attracted to the color of these building blocks will cause a child to continue trying to grasp it with their hands. Most children will have the determination to work at it until they are able to get a hold of the block. They will continue working until they become proficient at handling the blocks, which increases their motor skills. Some of the manufacturers of building blocks have developed a larger size of blocks that makes it even easier for small children to pick up.

* Secondly, children intuitively try to stick the building blocks together. It does not take long until they are taking the next step from picking the blocks up, to putting them together. It will take some time, and learning for the child to be able to make the blocks stick together, but again, children will often work at the task diligently until they accomplish it. At first, they will not be able to do much more than get the blocks to stay together. But, if they are able to get that far, it shows an improvement in their dexterity and a definite increase in their motor skills.

* Finally, your child will begin to develop their own creativity using the building blocks. As children get older, they learn to handle the blocks quite freely, putting them together easily. At first, they will build a lot of walls, as that is very easy to do by stacking the blocks up, one on top of the other. But, as they continue to develop, they will start to build more creative things. They will put together houses, and castles, and cars. This is a sign that they are able to do with their hands what their little minds can dream up. For many children, the only limit to what they can build is the number of blocks they have left in the tub!
                                                                                            - From an Article

 I have started using blocks for rohith from 15 months.He was just throwing every block at the first.But slowly he started building with these .At first ,we used to sit with him for hours to build .Then after some time,without our help,he started building things and started to learn colours and shapes.Now he separates single blocks,2 head blocks ,3 head blocks.He started building aeroplaness,rockets,car .......Every deam of little ones can come true uing these blocks.We are happy in buying these blocks.This was our first attempt to improve his motor skills.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Rohith's Writing skills

Rohith started writing at his 2 1/2  age.I was very much concerned,as he will not sit at one place.I worked hard to make him sit at one place.If he wants to sit, I have to offer him few gems,chocolates or his favourite game .I used to finish all my house chores ,by 6 pm and then sit with him for an hour.I am following this till now,but there are some exceptions like,his father coming soon.Then there will be only playing time.But there are lot of preparation time ,to make him sit.
I have to first read his favourite book etc,some how mesmerize him and then he will sit for writing.

These hard work paid me off after a month.He writes A,B,c,D fully on his own. I am training him for 123,tamil letters.He can tell everything,but to write is a big job for him.But nothing is easy,untill we put some effort.But we shudnt leave a gap .I was in hospital for 2 days and recovered late.These things made rohith lazy in writing.Again I am struggling to get him back to form.

So the moral of the story is guys,keep trying ,u will succeed at last.Never ever give can be moulded to our shape,if we spend some time with them.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Now rohith is grown up and started locating countries in the world map.....he knows almost all the countries ,but it depends on his mood to tell them.Today he was in a mood and pointed all the countries.I used to give some clues to find the countries.The clues depends on the color or the shape of the country.we both had fun those days.Ramesh was totally obsessed ,when rohith started to point out the countries....Rohith was 2 1/2 years old,when he learnt this.

Counting is another hobby for rohith.......he can tell upto 100 now.......this is another video where he is placing the number puzzles......

Reciting rhymes

This is one of his good mood.where he recites the 'incy wincy spider' rhymes to his dad.......This is after his india vacation.....But his mood changed imm.wat to do kids are kids........
His head shaved at our kula deivam temple.......

Placing puzzles

This is after his second b day.He loves puzzles and enjoys doing it a lot.......We have around 20 puzzle boards.Solving puzzles helps the babies to think and match shapes....My friend came to visit us one day...Rohith wanted to show his puzzles to her.At that time we took  this video......

Rohith reading book

Sorry for not updating this blog.....bit busy with my other blog.......actually ur comments made me to update this .......thanks for ur support dearies ......This is another video,where rohith is reading words from the book and he is of 20 months old.Now rohith is 3 years old and started reading books,reciting rhymes and creates his own stories - started telling to others.....Actually bcoz of this baby can read only,he started to learn quickly and also his school.